Thursday, March 29, 2007

Everybody screws up sometime

It turns out that I royally fucked-up on my last post.I used Ralph's idiotic rant as an example of the far-right. I should not have used him because not only was it insufficient, I forget that Ralph is completely out of his fucking mind to to use. Instead, I am going to use the uber-conservative blogsite Blogs for Bush as an example of the far-right.

The writers and the bloggers over at B4B are the ones so completely drunk from the White House cool-aid that even if these guys saw reality of how much the Bush administration fucked-up our nation, they would still defend their actions. Anyway, the latest Bush cheerleading, blaming the Democrats for damn-near everything Dear Leader has done wrong rant goes beyond stupidity and logic.

On September 20, 2001, President Bush said to the country and the world, "The entire world has seen for itself the state of our Union -- and it is strong."

Today, that is no longer so. ' They have spent the past few years blindly opposing President Bush, even at the expense of the war on terror.

Today, the Senate passed a war spending bill with an arbitrary date announcing to the terrorists when we are leaving Iraq. While President Bush has promised a veto of any bill that establishes a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, the message that Democrats have sent is clear. The entire world now looks at the state of our union... and it is no longer strong. It has been weakened by partisanship and lost its resolve.

Congressional Democrats, fresh in their majority after years in the wilderness, decided that undermining the Commander-In-Chief for political purposes was more important than sending a message to the terrorists that our war against them will be defined by our victory and not arbitrary timetables.

Sadly, they are proud of this fact.

'Democrats have taken every last ounce of unity that came to life in the days and weeks after September 11, 2001.'?


Who exactly told us that if we weren't for the war, we were for the terrorists?
Which media talking heads told us that we were unpatriotic if we didn't support the bullshit reasons to go into Iraq?
Who used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq, although there were no WMD's, no connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda?

That would be you guys, thank you very much.