Sunday, October 19, 2008

At the end of the day

I may have have come to a kind of realization:

Life is going to suck at times. It's going to fling a pile a shit at your face whenever it gets the chance.

The trick is how you handle it when it eventually does.

You can sit in complete misery, mortified that life just flung a nice steaming pile at your face, or you could just accept it, clean your face off, and fling your own personal artillery right back.

At the end of the day, it's about living with yourself and feeling comfortable with the skin you're in.

I'm not into the party scene; i'm not going to be the guy with the crazy stories of drunken night at a friend's house.

I'm not a black prince charming, or better yet, some Chris Brown hunk. I never will be.

What I am, though, is an alt/indie rock loving, pissed-off, eighteen year-old college student from Southwestern College, trying to find his footing, his crowd, and a job for the holidays.

And I got to learn to quit fighting it and embrace it.

I can continue to wallow in self-pity over what I don't have, or I can just continue to be me and every day give a big-old 'fuck you' to karma, until he pays my ass back (which eventually, he will. Karma always finds a way of doing so).

Someone once to told me the Universe was trying to speak to me, and I had to listen to what It was trying to say.

Maybe this was It was trying to say.

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