Friday, February 8, 2008

Dobson to endorce Huckabee

Too little, too late. The best way to sum up James Dobson's endorsement of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

James Dobson, one of the nation's most prominent evangelical Christian leaders, backed Mike Huckabee's presidential bid Thursday night, giving the former Arkansas governor a long-sought endorsement as the Republican field narrowed to a two-man race.

"The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Governor Huckabee," Dobson said. "His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others ... Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Senator McCain. Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for president of the United States."

Two questions are nagging at me; one of them I'll be able to answer.

One: I know that the GOP can't stand their candidate, so why didn't the conservative base try and fight him, tooth-and-nail, from winning in Super Tuesday when they had their chance months ago?

Two: Why would anyone want Dobson -- the same religious kook who went on an idiotic crusade against Spongebob Squarepants for having a so-called, homosexual agenda -- to endorse their bid in the race for the White House?

Then I realized why the leader of Focus on the Family chose Huckabee: He's just as batshit crazy as he is.

This God stuff isn't just talk with Huck. One of his first acts as governor was to block Medicaid from funding an abortion for a mentally retarded teen­ager who had been raped by her stepfather — an act in direct violation of federal law, which requires states to pay for abortions in cases of rape. "The state didn't fund a single such abortion while Huckabee was governor," says Dr. William Harrison of the Fayetteville Women's Clinic. "Zero."

As president, Huck would support a constitutional amendment banning abortion and would give science a back seat to religion. "Science changes with every generation and with new discoveries, and God doesn't," he says. "So I'll stick with God if the two are in conflict." Huckabee's well-documented ­disdain for science was reflected in the performance of the Arkansas school system when he was governor; one independent survey gave the state an F for its science standards in schools, a grade that among other things reflected Huckabee's hostility toward the teaching of evolution.

The moral of this blog? Two minds think alike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah,they didn't fund an abortion for a raped,retarded girl.

That's the compassionate RW for you in a nutshell!