-Why do some my friends (or for that matter, most teen couples) find it necessary whenever they're engaged in a relationship, to claim that what they have is true love and post on MySpace that they're married? I'm sorry, but I have a hard time taking a couple seriously when they're so in denial about reality. Whenever I read or hear garbage like that, I don't think to myself, "how romantic, they're going to be together forever", I think more along the lines of, "I put down five dollars saying this couple doesn't make through next year's winter formal dance."
-Why do women fall for bastards with near-model status looks and charms, while men like me fall for bitches with the face and body of some of our favorite female celebrities? It is one of the greatest ironies of life: when young men and women realize that beauty is only skin deep, we turn to the ugly betties or the outcasts with a stable job and can keep the water and lights running from month to month, when we wouldn't have asked them to the senior prom back in high school. It is a lesson that we all must learn? Or is it all a cruel joke like plays on all of us and laughs it's head off everytime we wake up?

-Speaking of MySpace, why must people post these "THIS ACUALLY WORKS 1.say the name of your crush 2 times 2.say the name of your bestfriend 5 times 3.post this onto 5 other videos and then press f8 and then ur crushes name will appear on the screen" shit? It's not creative. It's not funny. It's a waste of space and it's two-four minutes of life the reader will never get back. Just quit doing it.
-Why must all politicians who find themselves resigning becasue the were found fucking someone that wasn't their wife, drag their significant other up to the podium with them while giving a speech about how sorry they are for being stupid enough for getting caught? Isn't bad enough that she has to parttake in this media circus becasue that elected official couldn't keep their dick under control? The message it sends isn't one which shows his woman will continue to stand staunchly by her man, it sends a message which plainly reads: look at my wife, for pete's sake, can you blame me?
1 comment:
OK, I'll bite, Jonathan!
Why is Disney making another High School Musical movie?
Because there is a sucker born every minute, and they will all buy tickets. The good news is that this is probably the last time anyone can get "fooled again." The bad news can be summed up in the phrase "coming soon direct to DVD."
claim that what they have is true love and post on MySpace that they're married
Exuberance and self-delusion, my wise-beyond-his years friend. I caught up last December with some people I hadn't been in contact with for some 30 years (since I was your age) and things were totally different for them than their HS roles would ever have telegraphed to me, as I'm sure mine was to them. It's the rare person at HS graduation who knows his or her self, much less is ready for a long-term relationship that will endure. The ones who are claiming "true love" at this stage aren't among those rare few. At 17, as Janis Ian famously sang, "Remember, those who win the game lose the love they sought to gain..."
...we turn to the ugly betties or the outcasts with a stable job...It is a lesson that we all must learn?
I think the smart ones among us come to learn that beauty isn't a visual thing but a thing of the heart, soul and intellect. Everything else is just window-dressing. It's not a negative lesson to learn, either. You'll find it's a positive and enriching experience. Really.
Why do people like the Jonas Brothers?
Pass. No clue who you're talking about. But if they're just posing as punk, I'm more than content to be ignorant just this once... ;-p
why must people post these "THIS ACUALLY WORKS
See response to #1. Also, some people just have a lot of time on their hands and nothing useful to do with it than waste other people's time. Wait until you join the workforce FT - congrats on your job, by the way: that's a great salary to be drawing at your age - and you will see what I mean in embarrassingly graphic detail.
drag their significant other up to the podium with them...sends a message which plainly reads: look at my wife, for pete's sake, can you blame me?
Well, from my PoV the spouse's silent message is more like "You bastard, better lawyer up because I am going to rake you over some well-earned coals, buddy."
I think most politicians marry for expedience more than anything else - and I include politicians of both genders in that, although most politicians are still overwhelmingly male at least in the U.S.
Anyone who can be so calculating when it comes to marriage and so damned stupid (not to mention careless enough to get caught) when it comes to extracurricular activities deserves to get slapped, IMO.
The day one of those spouses clocks her significant other in the middle of a press conference, I will cheer!
G'night, my friend. Let me add that I appreciate your insightful and forthright posts here and elsewhere.
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