- Why couldn't Hillary Clinton have ran her campaign the same way she gave her graceful and emotionally-charged concession speech yesterday? Clinton's speech reminded why I have always held the her and Bill in high regard all these years, and its a shame that she didn't in this nomination phase of the presidential elections. In my eyes, this is the main reason why she lost to Barack Obama: When she was down, Hillary resorted to the hit-below-the-belt tactics instead of taking the high road. Now that she's stepped down and committed herself to helping the presumptive Democratic nominee win the White House, two things need to happen: First, Obama supporters need to extend the hand of friendship to Hillary's base in a way that is respectful and shows that we're all in this race together as Democrats committed to defeating John McCain in November. The second, is the next random question that has me wondering......
- Even with Hillary bowing out, why is that some of Clinton's supporters are still threatening to vote for McCain? From Wired.com:
They're mad as hell, and Hillary Clinton's supporters aren't going to take it anymore.
Some Clintonites are so mad about Barack Obama's Tuesday victory that they've launched a web site to build support to launch a lobbying group to support Republican John McCain.
"We're going to run campaign ads to defeat Obama," says Ed Hale, a 63-year-old rancher and a Clinton supporter from Wellington, Texas. "We have doctors, lawyers, CPAs, the blue bloods, and then we have rednecks like me. It's a very diversified organization."
The apparent peeling off of a portion of Clinton's supporters from the Democratic party illustrates the difficult task party officials now face in rallying the troops behind Obama. Open dissent within party ranks provides Republicans with openings to exploit.
Hale launched the "Hillary Clinton Supporters for John McCain" group last Saturday. The campaign claims to have 5,000 supporters, and its website visitor counter says that it has already attracted 37,807 visitors.
Exactly what would be accomplished by voting for a man who sides with the Shrub 95% of the time, yet toting that even though he's basically a loyal Reagan conservative he's still the Maverick candidate of eight years ago? We'd still be in this hellhole called the Iraqi quagmire, the tax cuts to the wealthiest 2% would still be in place, and we'd still be implementing the wrong fucking policies that got us to where we are right now: A country where more than 3/4ths of it's citizens believe America's on the wrong track and a world community that looks at us like we're ready to blow and raise hell. Oh, and did I forget to mention that women can kiss a right to have an abortion goodbye with a McCain presidency? Don't let bitter and hurt feelings dictate America's future.
- Why do the Japanese make better cartoons than Americans? I remember the days when American cartoon shows like Doug, Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, Invader Zim, and other cartoon shows were the shit to watch. Now I can't even stomach the crap they put now. I mean, Camp Lazlo and Danny Phantom? That's the best we can do now? Compare those shows to anime cartoons such as Strawberry Panic!, Love Hina, Tenchi Muyo!, and Full Metal Alchemist, its not even a fair fight. And the worst part is that the shows I can't stomach are hits, while I have to go on YouTube to watch Gundam Wing! Note to American cartoonists: watch shows like Full Metal Alchemist and Strawberry Panic!. You just might learn something.
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