Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mark Noonan: Blind Loyalty Before Country

So this week's bitch over at Blogs for Bush.con are the 11 GOP senators who placed country before party (or voters before country, however you want to look at it) telling the Shrub in office, “The word about the war and its progress cannot come from the White House or even you, Mr. President. There is no longer any credibility. It has to come from Gen. Petraeus.”

Unfortunately, that didn't sit too well with Mark Noonan. For those who don't understand bullshit speak, I will translate, from time to time, what Noonan is saying to what he really meant.

For you "moderates" out there - go ahead and vote against victory; heck, switch parties, if that will make you feel better. For us on our side of the aisle, we're more than willing to see zero GOPers in Congress in 2009 if that is the price of victory in 2008.

Translation: dead American soldiers and my party's future doesn't mean jack shit to me, as long as Dear Leader keeps his head up firmly in his ass and continues to lead the troops and the country over a fucking cliff, then so be it.

This is war, not politics - and all of the political straddling and calculation of all the "moderates" in America isn't worth...well, it isn't worth something which rhymes with "spit".

Translation: to hell with with what americans say about the war, their opinons aren't worth two squirts of piss! Besides, there's only one opinion that really matters......and that's the one coming from Dear Leader's mouth!

We fight until victory or until our fellow Americans so far remove us from the direction of affairs that we lack any power to influence events.

Comment: Mark, that day is coming sooner than you think.

2. To the blood of the Iraqi dead: Look, you saw what we defeatists engineered in Saigon in 1975. You should know by now that if a war goes on more than a year, then we'll be working for American defeat because war is hard and we don't like it much and we especially don't like it while President Bush is in charge.

Comment: Uh Mark, the Vietnam War lasted 16 years and cost us the lives of 58,208 American soldiers, but I guess those numbers don't really matter when you're fucking shitfaced from all the White House talking points you've been drinking, eh?

3. To our enemies: You win. We're too chicken to fight you for long and if you'll please just blow up Americans in moderate annual numbers, then we'll be ok with it forever.

Translation: i'm too much of a fucking pussy to fight in a war that I support so much. Also, I have nothing new to say, so i'll just repeat some bullshit scare tactics I overheard Dick Cheney talking about on Meet the Press.

Mark, when you and your neo-conservative possy have been wrong about everything about Iraq for 5 years, isn't time to stop making predictions on how Bush's strategy (Stay the Course, take 4) is going to eventually fuck up, ditch the rhetoric on how we're going to win (without any definable goals or without any hint of a fucking plan), and just admit that you were wrong?

From the looks of Noonan's last post, it appears he's going to ride his saddle of ignorance into the sunset.

Good luck dude, let's see how far that 'el get ya.

Another example of a Bush apologist placing blind loyalty to a president over his country.

1 comment:

Sergei Andropov said...

For you "moderates" out there - go ahead and vote against victory

When the decision to win or lose was made, it wasn't by ballot. It was made by the president, when, with bin Laden on the run and victory at hand, he decided to retreat from Afghanistan and use the forces that should have been rolling tanks over Osama's grave to invade Iraq. We could have had victory in Afghanistan, even if we'd have just postponed the Iraq invasion by a few months. But Bush decided to let him get away.

So don't call us defeatist.